
Gradient Buttons

Using the base class .btn .bg-gradient-

General Buttons

Using the base class .btn .btn-

Light Buttons

Button with outline

Using the base class .btn-outline

light Button with outline

Rounded Buttons

Using the base class .btn-rounded

Light Rounded Buttons

Rounded Outline Buttons

Using the base class .btn-rounded.btn-outline

Light Rounded Outline Buttons

Button Sizes

Using the base class .btn-lg.btn-Primary

Flat Buttons

Using the base class .btn .btn-flat

Light Flat Buttons

Button with icon

Using the base class .btn i class ="fa fa-check

Circle Buttons

Using the base class .btn .btn-circle .btn-


Horizontal Button Group

Horizontal button groups are easy to create with bootstrap. Just add your buttons inside <div class="btn-group"></div>

Vertical Button Group

Vertical button groups are easy to create with bootstrap. Just add your buttons inside <div class="btn-group-vertical"></div>

Social buttons Icon

Use a classes waves-effect waves-light btn btn-social-icon btn-bitbucket to quickly create a General btn.

Social Icon With Circle buttons

Use a classes btn btn-social-icon btn-circle to quickly create a General btn.